Make Canada safe for people in danger of persecution for opposing unjust wars and war crimes.

Like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, Joshua Key could spend the rest of his natural life in a U.S. prison if he sets foot on U.S. soil. In recent weeks, the Conservative government has imposed negative decisions or removal orders on nearly all U.S. war veterans seeking refugee status.
The Conservatives are in contempt of Canada’s ratified obligations under international law.
- Joshua would face extreme consequences if he is deported to the U.S. The government is ignoring requests to stay based on spousal sponsorship and for humanitarian reasons.
- The federal government is acting like it is a crime to publish and translate a book into twelve languages and carry out about one thousand media interviews globally that expose U.S. war crimes in Iraq.
- The Conservative government is deporting U.S. war resisters precisely because it alleges they are guilty of desertion.
However, desertion or insubordination are perfectly legal and recommended if a soldier is ordered to carry out war crimes. This is a fundamental principle of international law since the conviction of Nazi war criminals after World War Two, affirmed in treaties ratified by Canada. - The Conservative government has made it impossible to argue this important point of law by means of Operational Bulletin 202, Instruction to Immigration Officers in Canada on processing cases involving military deserters.
The alleged reason for deporting Joshua Key (desertion) is baseless and without merit. Canada needs to comply with its international legal obligations. - Joshua’s deportation would devastate his Canadian family – his wife Alexina and three children, with another on the way.
- Opinion polls show that Canadians support refugee status for foreign soldiers who face persecution for opposing illegal wars or war crimes.
The large majority of voters – more than 60% – support political parties with this position. -
At no time has the U.S. government requested the extradition of Joshua Key.
- The experience of previous resisters deported from Canada and the opinion of many legal authorities show that Joshua would not receive a fair court martial.
- Joshua has a legal opinion from the U.S. that he will definitely face serious charges if he steps foot on U.S. soil. One is related to writing a book with Lawrence Hill, The Deserter’s Tale. Technically, the charge for writing (espionage) and the charge of desertion include the death penalty, but the opinion is that he could get 35 years in a military prison.
When the U.S. extradites a person from Canada to face similar charges, the federal government requires a guarantee there will be no death penalty, in support of Canadian values and capital punishment laws.
We need to ask: Why is Canada deporting war resisters to face serious charges in the U.S. with no regard to obtain a guarantee that U.S. authorities will not pursue the death penalty? - Because of Joshua’s book and media interviews from dozens of countries, abundant evidence exists to show that Joshua will be dealt with most harshly of all resisters deported to date from Canada, by far. The evidence includes legal opinions, U.S. military law, and statements by leading U.S. military justice officials.
- Friends and family of Joshua Key will continue to press for the federal government against deporting Joshua.
Urgent appeal for support and funds
How will Winnipeg or Canada respond? Joshua Key and a handful of other war resisters are unknown to most Canadians, but in the next few days or weeks the world will be watching Winnipeg.
Will Joshua and fellow resisters be deported to a U.S. prison or can we force the government to back down and comply with international law?
In 2003, hundreds of thousands of Canadians protested to keep Canada out of the illegal U.S. war against Iraq.
We need a massive wave of support to make our country safe for soldiers who face persecution for resisting war crimes and unjust wars.
Heavy campaign and legal costs are anticipated. We need your support urgently.
Send your cheques to:
Keep Resisters in Canada
269 Kitson St., Winnipeg MB R2H 0Z6
Payable to: “KRIC Campaign”.Thank you!
Deposit in-person in Winnipeg at:
Assiniboine Credit Union Account no. 110010205802
Info: (204) 792-3371- KRIC is Winnipeg-based campaign. If you can help out elsewhere, we’ll be glad to connect you with other campaigns!
Other ways to help
- Send us your email address for activities and appeals:
- Like and share the facebook page The Key family: Welcome in Canada
- Inform your area Conservative MPs that this is an important issue to you.
- Write to the media & mobilize the community.
- Write to the Conservative government:
Hon. Chris Alexander, Minister of Citizenship & Immigration
House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0A6
Support refugee status for Joshua Key and other resisters
and Joshua’s spousal sponsorship
Oppose a devastating break-up of Joshua’s family
Support Joshua’s application for a work permit
Joshua Key & family • Pro-family • Anti-war crime