Giant valentine delivered to Manitoba Legislature in opposition to CETA deal.
On Valentine’s Day, the Winnipeg Chapter visited the Manitoba Legislature with a big Keep Manitoba out of CETA message. Chapter activists created a giant heart from 300 of the 3000 postcards distributed, and delivered it to the Premier’s office along with a red-ribbon wrapped bundle of another 100 postcards. MLAs received individual Valentine hearts hand-delivered to their legislature mail boxes.

The Valentine’s visit followed a message and gift from CETA Clause to the Legislative Assembly last December.
Although the CETA negotiations are drawing to a close and there is a strong possibility that it will be signed by this summer, there are many areas where complete agreement has not been reached. Continued education of our politicians and pressure on provincial governments to stand against this trade deal – in particular, the procurement chapter – is one of the most likely methods to effect a change.
Winnipeg chapter continues its provincial government CETA education campaign next week on February 29th, with a letter from CUPE MB, MFL, WLC, CCPA, Peace Alliance Winnipeg, the Green Party of MB, the Boreal Forest Network, Winnipeg Water Watch, City Watch, the Social Planning Council and many other organizations asking Premier Selinger to take the leap, and keep Manitoba out of CETA!
Contributed by Mary Robinson, Chair, Council of Canadians Winnipeg Chapter