Excerpt from:
The Uniter Opposition against Canada-Europe trade deal grows
by Anne Thomas (Beat Reporter) – November 10th 2011
CETA opponents have been calling for a public debate, and the Council of Canadians organized a letter-writing campaign.
“If CETA is signed as it stands, it will prevent local governments from spending local tax dollars to build local economic health,” said Mary McCandless of the Winnipeg chapter of the Council of Canadians.

The group expects CETA to drive up prescription drug costs, threaten farm support programs and allow foreign corporations to ignore Canadian environmental regulations.
Unlike past free trade deals, under CETA, local governments would not be allowed to favour local or environmentally responsible suppliers or those suppliers creating local jobs. Small purchases would be exempt, but the group fears restrictions would apply to about 80 per cent of the over $100 billion spent annually on provincial and municipal purchases.
“We need to use that money to keep our communities strong and vibrant,” McCandless said.